Over 10% Elderly in US facing hunger … Unacceptable

So, I’m currently trying to build a startup business to help people in my country first and then if I’m still kicking introduce the business to the world. And, as I build this business and work on my business plan, I’m wrestling with my market definition. Today, I read that the AARP Foundation shares a …

Digital Transformation: It’s what’s for dinner but we might be eating late

Photo by Suzanne D. Williams on Unsplash I’m going to first share why digital transformation of an enterprise should be easy. Then I’m going to share why this seemingly pipe dream is such an effort. I’ll simplify this effort and share the view of one such partial effort. My frustration as a digital practitioner is …

What do you think of A.I.? Harm or Replace Humanity?

Photo by Joshua Gaunt on Unsplash It is time now that I opine on society’s use of artificial intelligence. It does seem to be analogous to the public’s awareness of the nuclear bomb. A.I. is raising the hair on the backs of tech giants and has caused the publishing of a public letter requesting the …

Financial Transparency Can Actually Help You

Photo by Michal Lomza on Unsplash I recently watched a video where a computer scientist and entrepreneur CEO was selling a software tool that provided pre-market indicators. Wow, get the checkbook because his new software would show this early-warning indicator and you were almost guaranteed a huge win on an options trade. And, in this …

Refactoring Wisdom for the Millennials

Photo by Pierre Châtel-Innocenti on Unsplash When I became an adult I was overwhelmed by so many suggestions, warnings, philosophies, rules, and/or recommendations that now, I couldn’t tell you which of them have affected any success I enjoy today. My grandmother specifically didn’t want to catch me, “smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol on the street-corner.” …